Meet Greater South 2023|Embracing the New Era of 5G AloT Industries: Key International Venture Capital Insights


How will 5G and AIoT continue to impact daily life worldwide?  What are some of the industry trends that will contribute to the upcoming changes?  Learn how industry leaders and venture capitalists prepare for these exciting new opportunities and possibilities.

We are very excited to have industry investment pioneers join this Investor Salon. Topics will range from recent global industry trends, insights from key markets, as well as how they believe Taiwan startups can be integrated into the international market.    This salon will provide not only valuable insights from key industry leaders, but also create exciting new opportunities with other industry partners.

5 Key Highlights of Investor Salon:

  • Key Points of Interest for Venture Capitalists
  • The Latest Developments and Upcoming Trends of 5G AIoT
  • Key Applications for 5G AIoT Development in Taiwan
  • Drawing Insights from International Market Trends
  • Connecting Taiwan Startups with the Global Market

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KJ Chou

Independent director of BenQ Medical, former GM of AMD Taiwan, CEO of Motorola Taiwan, GM of Solomon Technology and Independent director of DFI.

Kris Peng

President at UMC Capital. He also currently serves on the boards of Crystalwise Technology Inc., TXC Corporation, Subtron Technology and Top Point Technology.

Cody Lee

President of All Win Capital and Founder of Taithai global Co., Ltd. Former CFO of multiple listed companies, accomplished billion-dollar financing and IPOs, invested in 10+ startups. Registered accountant and internal auditor.

Hong Wee Lee

CEO of Top Crest Capital. Former CEO of Morton Securities (HK licensed type 1 securities brokerage firm) Former CFO of Grand Ocean Retail Group (5907:tw). Former business consultant at Ernst&Young HK and London.

Jay Hsueh|Moderator

flyingVest Ventures Director. CFA. Paradigm Venture Partners Director, Radiant Int.

【Event Rundown】

13:30 - 13:35 Opening

13:35 - 15:00 Event 【Embracing the New Era of 5G AloT Industries: Key International Venture Capital Insights】

15:00 - 16:30 Event 【Legal and Ethical Risks of Artificial Intelligence Application】

Event Location

Kaohsiung Exhibition Center (South Hall)

39, Chenggong 2nd Rd., Qianzhen Dist., Kaohsiung, Taiwan

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2023 Meet Greater South

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