「亞灣號新創嘉年華」將在11/20於高雄亞灣新創園啟航!亞灣新創園創辦第二年,正在穩健前行中,也即將在今年11/20(一)在園區內舉辦週年慶活動,flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路加速器將共同參與,也邀請各個新創夥伴們一起參加。(活動報名 > https://reurl.cc/A0zrpY)
flyingVest Ventures 加入亞灣新創園計畫,和新創團隊們一起在這裡串連種種創業商業資源,陪伴新創經營成長。在這次亞灣號新創嘉年華中,也領軍新創一起展出創業成果,包含運用AI人工智慧科技引爆資料應用革命的SolutionStor 思拓科技,還有運用以AI智慧解決方案協助運動場館轉型的富據智能,將共同於這天展出及參與新創Pitch。
#NVIDIA 專題演講〔如何駕馭新一代AI技術與鏈結技術創新動能〕by 新創計畫經理 李昇達博士
#Microsoft 微軟新創加速器〔生成式AI時代的創新契機〕by 合作夥伴開發經理 吳兆權經理
體驗AR互動尋寶遊戲,你能在海洋世界裡找到亞灣嗎? 挑戰成功還能獲得小禮物!
flyingVest Ventures 邀請每一位創業夥伴、投資單位,或者對新創有濃厚興趣的你們,共同參與「亞灣號新創嘉年華」,一個屬於創新、合作、與未來的盛會,來看看高雄亞灣新創園這一年來在協助創新創業的發展成就,並參與以上這些精采活動!活動報名 > https://reurl.cc/A0
Startup Terrace Kaohsiung is cruising steadily, and we're excited to mark our second year on this journey. We want to express our gratitude to all the startups. During this time, each of us has been continuously growing within our respective domains.
Whether you're an entrepreneur, an investor, or someone with a strong interest in startups, we invite you to join us for STK Innovation Festival. It's an event dedicated to innovation, collaboration, and the future – a perfect occasion to celebrate our achievements over the past year!
Date: NOV., 20th, 2023
Time: 1PM - 4PM
Place: Startup Terrace Kaohsiung
Register website: https://reurl.cc/A0zrpY
Listen to tech perspectives from giants like NVIDIA. Analyze future trends and gain insights into industry development direction.
Discover startup’s innovative achievements and the stories behind them. Perhaps our future lies right here.
Experience an AR interactive game. Can you find STK in ocean world? Successful challengers may even win a small prize!
Register Now >> https://reurl.cc/A0zrpY
內容引用:2023亞灣周年慶!! 亞灣號新創嘉年華
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