flyingVest Ventures 曙光網路加速器首次舉辦線上Demo day,由旗下新創夥伴 — 錦霖生醫、鋭準生醫、潔客幫、捷思科技,發表品牌年度成果及未來展望;更邀請到宏誠創投與豐利創投的兩位貴賓蒞臨點評指教。
10:00 開場
10:10 新創團隊簡報&VC Q&A
11:15 結語
flyingVest Ventures presents our first Demo Day of 2021. Miraque J, MarkerX, Jacker Cleaning, and MeetAgile will demo their milestones of this year and their roadmap moving forward; our distinguished guests from UMC Capital and FungLy Venture
Capital will also give their valuable insights.
See how these startups attempt to tackle their industries and what they have achieved, and let’s work together to create more opportunities for all.
We invite all fellow entrepreneurs, investors, and friends from all over to join in on this gathering, see you there!
【Signup for the event】
*we will remind you before the event started by email.
10:00 Opening
10:10 Starups Pitch & QA
11:15 Closing
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